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1032-A Kinley Rd. Irmo
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(803) 732-6635
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Your health is built upon a sturdy foundation of diet, hormones, digestion, detoxification, and your immune system. Functional Medicine™(FM) ensures that you cover all of your bases.

The typical FM client has been on and off of diets and in and out of doctor's offices. He/she has struggled with weight gain, fatigue, digestive disturbances, foggy brain, mood disorders, low libido, and insomnia.

Instead of treating symptoms, we work with you to uncover the root cause of your health and wellness challenges. Once we find and remove the cause(s), you can live the vital, energetic life you were intended to live.


What is Functional Medicine™?

Functional Medicine™ is a holistic discipline that unites functional laboratory assessments with individual Metabolic Typing® to identify imbalances, dysfunction, and underlying conditions at the root of many common health complaints.

FDN embraces biochemical individuality while providing a precise methodology and logical sequence to achieving repeatable, consistent, and successful clinical outcomes.

- Reed Davis, FDN Founder

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
"Stop treating symptoms and get to the root cause"

Learn how to find the underlying causes of:

  • Allergies, acne, and rosacea
  • Blood sugar problems
  • Depression, anxiety and emotional fragility
  • Headaches and fogginess
  • Indigestion and bloating
  • Inflammation and pain
  • Insomnia and wakefulness
  • Low sex drive, PMS, skin, and hair problems
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain and weight loss
  • And many other consequences of the chronic stress response!
  • Do you want to feel great again?
  • Do you want to look younger and live longer?
  • If you prefer drug-free, natural solutions to health problems!
  • If you'd rather find the underlying cause instead of just treating your symptoms!

If you prefer a practitioner who...

  •   is knowledgeable, experienced and trustworthy
  •   clearly explain choices
  •   check if you have any questions
  •   explain all of your concerns
  •   confirm you understand everything

Then Stop Chasing Symptoms and Get to The Root Cause!

We understand that symptoms must be addressed. You want relief, but you also want to know why you have symptoms and resolve their cause. Our approach is to assess underlying function and discover the root cause of your health problems. This approach leads to long-term resolution of symptoms, not just temporary relief.

We guarantee our program of Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Reduction and Supplements - D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success™ - will help get rid of your main complaints and promote a happier, healthier life. This approach is so successful, it's now a trademark health system. Once your diagnostics are complete, you'll find our recommendations easy to follow using this revolutionary approach.

Step 1: Discover Functional Diagnostic Nutrition™

Your main complaints are important. We'll listen for clues as you share your health history. Based upon those clues, specific diagnostic testing is recommended. The data these cutting-edge tests reveal is then interpreted by Dr. Michael Jokerst and Dr. Grant Sebastiano.

Like a detective, we apply our training, clinical knowledge and experience working with hundreds of clients with similar complaints. No clue may be overlooked.

Unlike some practitioners who simply recommend supplements based on your symptoms (and hope they help), we supply the appropriate tests for you to complete.  Blood, saliva, urine and stool testing help you determine what systems or mechanisms are mal-functioning in your body.  These mal-functions may not have caused serious disease yet; therefore, they remain undetected by your conventional doctor's tests.  He or she may even tell you that "everything looks normal" on your standard laboratory panels.

Still, these mal-functions are at the root of your health problems, which will probably get worse.  Eventually, you may be diagnosed with a disease or serious condition if you don't correct the mal-function in time.  Step one is to complete your health history forms and order the appropriate test kits.

Call 803-732-6635, now to purchase your kits and provide your contact information so we may send out your health information intake package.

Step 2: Discover our D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success™ Program

Once your intake health history is reviewed and discussed and your labs are properly interpreted, you'll receive an easy to follow, 90 day (minimum) health plan.  Backed by decades of clinical expertise, our treatment plans are individualized to address your unique health needs. All plans include Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Reduction and Supplements.

We call this "D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success™" and guarantee it will help you overcome your complaints and return you to better health and wellness. Now is the time to get serious about your health. 

You may not be experiencing any obvious symptoms now, but health problems rarely arise overnight. In fact, most are the result of imbalances in the body that have developed over many years. Regardless of whether you have immediate health concerns or wish to prevent future ones, we can help.

Step 3: Follow Your D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success™ protocol for 90 days -- and change your life forever!

Make a commitment to your health program.  Follow instructions and stick with it.  Remember, this is a whole-life approach to health and longevity.  The system is proven to work and you'll love the results you get.  We will provide individual coaching support to you for the first three weeks, then once a month thereafter.  You'll have plenty of help as long as you are willing to check in and let us know how you are doing by utilizing the Diet Check records and other communication tools we provide. Just use the tools that we give you; that's all there is to it!

Typical Feedback using FDN protocols:

"You will be happy to know that I and the school teachers have seen a great improvement in (my son's) behavior"  Deborah P.

"I've got so much more energy now.  People at work are telling me I look great, my eyes are clear, my periods have returned to normal.  It's just amazing, the difference" E. Rodriguez

"My energy level is back to normal.  I can eat now without getting bloated and I'm back to exercising like I've always wanted to do but was too tired.  Thank you so much for your help" E.  Kaplan

"I noticed a big difference after the first month of the adrenal protocol.  Now I'm almost completely back to being my old self.  My husband says to keep it up, he likes me much better this way" L. Yeh

About Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine Clinicians Define Functional Medicine and its Impact on Patient Outcomes
Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, Functional Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional Medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.