Why does my neck hurt?
Whenever people experience pain, it is always a symptom! This means that the pain that an individual experiences is nothing more than their body’s way of telling them that something is wrong. If a person has had periodic mild soreness sand stiffness that has gradually gotten worse, it is often a sign that the underlying problem has been present for a prolonged period of time and, like the majority of health conditions, has progressive worsened as time passes.
How chiropractic can help?
Again, it depends on the cause of the symptom and the severity. Some people have degeneration that is so bad, that they’ve passed the window of opportunity for corrective chiropractic care and are only able to receive the benefit of palliative (pain relieving) chiropractic care. Others simply have biomechanical issues that can be resolved with chiropractic treatment and therapy that is designed to address the vertebral and soft tissue components of this problem.
What can I do?
Depending on what is found on the x-rays and exam, chiropractic treatment and home exercises may be prescribed. The goal of this type of treatment is to correct the bio-mechanical issues from a corrective stand point. By doing this, our clinic is able to get a person feeling better, correct the underlying condition and give you a strategy that allows you to prevent these problems from returning die to the passing of time.